Qingdao CHEMLAND International Trade Co.,Ltd.
Name:Qingdao CHEMLAND International Trade Co.,Ltd.
Products detail
Product Name: Sodium of Polyaspartic Acid (PASP)
CAS No: 181828-06-8
Product Type: Organic Chemicals and Derivatives -> Carboxylic acids
Product spec: 40%min
Packing: 250kg net Plastic Drum
Post Time: 2010-10-28
Description: PASP can be used as scale and corrosion inhibitor in industrial circulating cool water system, boiler water, reverse osmosis, oilfield water and desalination plant. The effects will be even better than ordinary organophosphines when used in situation of high hardness, high alkaline, high pH value and high concentration index. When built with PBTCA, the synergism is obvious. Due to its green and non-pollution to environment, PASP can be used as accessory ingredients in daily and fine chemicals. PASP can be used in agricultural as nutrient absorption intensifier to improve the production of vegetable, melon and fruit, and flowers. When used together with pesticide, its effects will be improved.
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